Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Neuromancer Software
│ mtGraph Mode13h Graphics Toolkit 1.0c │
Release Date : 6th August 1994
Copyright 1994 Tay Choon Heong
Draft : 28th June 1994
Revised : 6th August 1994
│ Disclaimer │ │
As with standard disclaimer, this product is provided on an
"as-is" basis, and the author makes no warranty or
representation, express or implied, with respect to its quality
performance or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will
the author of this document be liable for direct, indirect,
special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the
use or inability to use the information contained within.
This beta version is hereby released "AS IT IS" to the interested
users and no warranty will be provided. Use of this product is
at your own risk.
However, if you have got any queries or bugs report, you are most
welcome to contact me at the following address :
Address : Tay Choon Heong
Blk 201, Toa Payoh North
Singapore 1231
Tel : 2 5 0 8 6 5 8
email : chtay@iti.gov.sg
│ Preface │ │
It all started out with XLIB and YAKICONS.
I have always wanted to develop my own game, me being an addict
to the fantastic computer animation commercials I have seen on
TV. After reading the newsgroup in the internet, I came to know
of the several graphical libraries which are very useful for this
purpose. WGT, SPX, XLIB, YAKICONS and VGL20 immediately spring
to mind. However, as I realised later, some of these packages are
shareware. Being a student, I was unable to fork out the money
to register the package so I was left with the latter three
Although they are not shareware packages, XLIB,YAKICONS and
VGL20 are excellent packages with full source codes provided.
XLIB is developed around Mode X with Yakicons being a class
library built on XLIB. VGL20 on the other hand supports mode13h.
They provided me with the development toolkits which are more
than adequate to satisfy my needs. As a standard routine
pertaining to my starting a project, I started to read up on
Mode X and it was brought to my attention that Mode X involved
tweaking with some VGA registers. I read somewhere that it was
"dangerous" to tweak the VGA registers and I began to worry if
it is safe to use it.
So, I was quite depressed at that time .. until someone (I
believe it was Joshua Hightower..) pointed me to some excellent
documents written by Grant Smith. That started me on the idea of
developing my own library. I began to source for information on
this subject; assembly language tutorials, Game Developer's
Magazine, PC Game Programming Encyclopedia, VGL20 etc. All these
have been a great help to me and my thanks to the authors!
However, one person had been most helpful to me and has been
helping me since I started. Here, I would like to take this
chance to thank Goran Devic for his support! The result is this
graphical library that you have in your possession.
Finally, I would like to thank you for your interest in the
mtGraph mode 13h graphical toolkit library.
Yours sincerely
Tay Choon Heong
5th July 1994
│ Acknowledgement │ │
I would acknowledge my heartfelt gratitude to the following
people who had helped me when I started work on my graphical
library. I have forgotten to acknowledge Mark Morley in my
previous release of the documents and I apologise for my neglect.
Goran Devic, who had really helped me a great deal in my
Smith Grant, who developed the excellent VGA trainers that
started me on the idea of developing my own library.
Joshua Hightower, who mailed me a lot of information on
VGA/MCGA programing techniques.
Mark Morley, who has contributed his codes for the VGL20
library to the internet.
Tim Kientzle, who helped me with the ellipse routine and
graciously allowed me to incorporate his ellipse routine in
my library.
Chris/Barry Egerter, for allowing me to use the WGT sprite
format in my library.
Others, whom I have neglected to acknowledge in this beta
│ Introduction │ │
The mtGraph toolkit is developed around the VGA Mode13h graphic
mode for the purpose of creating games. It is with great hope
that this toolkit will eventually become a complete toolkit for
game development but right now, it can only provide simple
graphical primitives. If anyone would like to contribute their
codes or help to develop the library or merely provide
suggestions, please please let me know!
The mtGraph toolkit supports the Mode 13h video mode on the PC.
The screen resolution of this is 320x200 pixels where one byte
represents one pixel. Although the screen resolution may be a bit
coarse, this mode allows a palette of 256 colours to be displayed
and it is the most commonly used video mode in games. With this
in mind, the routines developed will require that the mode 13h
video mode is set up correctly. No checking is done at this stage
of the development but this may be corrected in future version.
The following lists the features of this toolkit.
│ Features: │ │
o Routines for entering and exiting Mode 13h video mode.
o Function to set a clip region.
o Palette routines to load and save table of palette to the
harddisk, change the VGA palette, fade in and fade out the
VGA palette with user-defined delay.
o Simple mouse handler with an option to change the cursor.
o Pixel plotting routines. Supports clipping.
o Line routines: horizontal, vertical and bresemham. Supports
o Rectangle routines: outline and filled. Supports clipping.
o Circle and ellipse: outline and filled. Supports clipping.
I would like to thank Tim Kientzle for use of his ellipse
o Setting up virtual screens: These are the most essential
routines if you are looking for smooth, flicker-free
animations. Simple routines are provided for setting up
several virtual pages, selecting which pages to be the
active page, copying hidden page to the active page,
copying page to page, copying partial block to different
location (may it be on the same page or different page).
o Image block routines: Allows a bitmap to be copied to the
active page. Several routines are provided: copy without
clipping, copy transparently without clipping (color 0 not
drawn) and the other two supports clipping. Further
enhancement may provide XOR mode.
o Sprite loading routines: routines are provided to allow
users to allow user-created bitmaps to be loaded and saved.
Additional routines are provided to allow users to access
the WGT sprite files and convert them to the mtGraph sprite
files. These sprite files can then be passed to the image
block routine to be displayed.
o Font support: Routines are provided to allow different font
types to be loaded. As the font types are simply bitmap,
user can easily develop new font type. At the time of
writing, only one system font type is provided. The text color
can be modified. An font editor is planned for future release.
o Miscellaneous: routine to wait for vertical retrace, PCX
loader, keyboard handler.
The Borland products ( C++ Version 3.1) were used for developing
this toolkit. Most of the routines in the toolkit were developed
in either assembly using 80286 codes or C/C++. The reason 286
codes were used was to allow users with 286 computers to use the
toolkit as well. As they were coded using the Borland compiler
and assembler, other products may not be able to compile the
Development Base
Intel 486 66Mhz
Borland C++ compiler
Turbo Assembler
Memory 8Mb
│ Using the mtGraph Library │ │
First of all, you will have to check out the release version of
the mtGraph library that you have. Some of the files may not be
able to compile with an earlier version of the mtGraph library
as changes are constantly being done to the library. To determine
what is the current version, either refer to this document or
observe the release version of the supplied demonstration file
(mtdemo.exe) and the released date located at the lower right end
of the information box. For some reason, the release version may
be the same but there might be some changes (very minor) to the
libraries, so it is important to check the release date as well
(*grin* just in case.) If you got an earlier version, you might
have not be able to compile your programs.
To use the mtGraph library, all you need to do is to create a
project file add the mtlibxx.lib and your program file into the
project file. It is that simple. Otherwise, you can make use of
the makefile provided with the examples and modify accordingly.
If you are using the Borland C IDE, go to the Option menu.
Select the debugger option and put the program heap size to
around 200K. Once this is done, merely type alt C-M/alt C-R or
type MAKE at the C> prompt to create the EXE file. If you are
using the makefile, make sure that all the include files are in
the same directory as your development directory. Otherwise,
modify your makefile or project files accordingly.
Ok .. enough of all the information crap, now let's get on with
the programming. In the following section, all the functions
available in the mtGraph toolkit will be listed. Admittedly, it
is horrible piece of a document but that is the best I can rush
out. It will be touched up as and when I find the time...:)
IMPORTANT ADDITION : If you are using the Borland C IDE, set the
program heap size to around 200K. This can be found under the
Option menu in the debugger option. If this is not set, the
program will not work properly.
▒ ▒
▒ Video Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ void mtSetVGAMode(void) │
set up the mode 13h video modes
│ void mtSetTextMode(void) │
exit mode 13h and return to the inital text mode
│ void mtSetWindow(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) │
set up a clip region
│ void mtResetWindow(void) │
reset the clip region to full screen
│ void mtClrScr(int color) │
Depending on the clip region, it will clear the screen
with the user-defined colour.
▒ ▒
▒ Page Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ block mtAllocPage(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) │
set up the virtual screens
│ void mtFreePage(block page)
free the virtual screens
│ int mtSetPage(block page) │
set up the active page
│ int mtFlipPage(block page) │
flip the hidden page to the screen
│ int mtCopyPage(block src,block dest) │
copy an entire source page to a destination page
│ int mtCopyBlk(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int xoff, │
│ int yoff,block src,block dest) │
copy a rectangle block from the source page to a new
location in the destination page. The source and
destination page can be the same.
│ int mtClipBlk(int *x1,int *y1,int *x2,int *y2) │
clip a block with respect to the clip region
▒ ▒
▒ Block Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ **mtLoadWGT(char *filename,byte palette[]) │
load up the WGT sprite file
│ int mtSaveWGT(char *fontname,WGTSPRITE **sprite) │
save a sprite file under WGT sprite file format
│ int mtFreeWGT(WGTSPRITE **sprite) │
free the sprite blocks
│ SPRITE **mtLoadBlit(char *filename,byte palette[]) │
load up the mtGraph sprite file
│ int mtSaveBlit(char *filename,SPRITE **sprite) │
save a sprite file under mtGraph sprite file format
│ int mtFreeBlit(SPRITE **sprite) │
free the sprite blocks
│ void mtPutSprite(int x,int y,int width,int height, │
│ byte far *buf) │
display a bitmap. Color 0 is not drawn
│ void mtCPutSprite(int x,int y,int width,int height, │
│ byte far *buf) │
same as above but performs clipping
│ void mtPutBlit(int x,int y,int width,int height, │
│ byte far *buf) │
display a bitmap but color 1 is copied to the screen
│ void mtRemoveBlit(SPRITE *sprite) │
display a bitmap but color 1 is copied to the screen
│ void mtCPutBlit(int x,int y,int width,int height, │
│ char far *buf) │
same as above but performs clipping
│ void mtRemoveBlit(SPRITE *sprite) │
free the allocated memory for the sprite file
▒ ▒
▒ Pixel Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ void mtPutPixel(int x,int y,int color) │
puts a pixel with user-defined color at x,y
│ void mtCPutPixel(int x,int y,int color) │
same as above but performs clipping
│ int mtGetPixel(int x,int y) │
get the color of the pixel at x,y
▒ ▒
▒ Line Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ void mtLine(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int color) │
draw a line
│ void mtCLine(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int color) │
draw a line but supports clipping
│ void mtHLine(int x1,int x2,int y1,int color) │
draw a horizontal line but does not support clipping.
Advisable to use mtLine / mtCLine as alternative
│ void mtVLine(int x1,int y1,int y2,int color) │
draw a vertical line but does not support clipping.
Advisable to use mtLine / mtCLine as alternative
▒ ▒
▒ Rectangle Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ void mtRect(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int color) │
draw an outline of a rectangle
│ void mtCRect(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int color) │
same as above but clipped
│ void mtFillRect(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int color) │
draw a filled rectangle
│ void mtCFillRect(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int color) │
same as above but clipped
▒ ▒
▒ Circle Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ void mtCircle(int x,int y,int radius,int color) │
draw a circle at x,y with radius and color
│ void mtCCircle(int x,int y,int radius,int color) │
same as above but performs clipping
│ void mtFillCircle(int x,int y,int radius,int color) │
draw a filled circle at x,y with radius and color
│ void mtCFillCircle(int x,int y,int radius,int color) │
same as above but performs clipping
▒ ▒
▒ Ellipse Routine ▒
▒ ▒
│ void mtEllipse(int x,int y, int a, int b,int color) │
draw an ellipse at x,y with major axis (a) and minor
axis (b)
│ void mtCEllipse(int x,int y, int a, int b,int color) │
draw an ellipse at x,y with major axis (a) and minor
axis (b). Supports clipping.
│ void mtFillEllipse(int x,int y, int a, int b,int color) │
draw a filled ellipse at x,y with major axis (a) and
minor axis (b)
│ void mtCFillEllipse(int x,int y, int a, int b,int color)│
draw a filled ellipse at x,y with major axis (a) and
minor axis (b). Supports clipping.
▒ ▒
▒ Font Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ mtFONT* mtLoadFont(char *fontname) │
load up the font type
│ int mtSaveFont(char *fontname,FONT *font) │
save the user-define font type to the harddisk
│ void mtFreeFont(FONT *font) │
remove the space allocated for the font
│ void mtSetColor(byte color) │
change the font color
│ void mtPutc(int x,int y,int c,FONT *font) │
display a character at x,y
│ void mtPrintStr(int x,int y,char* str,FONT *font) │
display a string starting at x,y
▒ ▒
▒ Image File Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ int mtLoadPCX(char *filename); │
load up a 320x200 256 colors PCX file
▒ ▒
▒ Mouse Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ int mtInitMouse() │
Determine if mouse driver is present. If yes, reset
│ void mtShowMouse() │
show the cursor
│ void mtHideMouse() │
hide the cursor
│ void mtGetMousePos(int *button,int *x,int *y) │
return the mouse position and the status of the button
│ void mtSetMousePos(int x,int y) │
set the cursor's position
│ int mtGetMousePress(int button,int *count,int *x,int*y)│
determine the status of the button, the no. of time
pressed at which location.
│ int mtGetMouseRel(int button,int *count,int *x,int *y) │
determine the status of the button, the no of time
released at which location
│ void mtSetMouseWin(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) │
set a window boundary for the mouse cursor
│ void mtSetDefCursor() │
set up the default cursor
│ void mtSetCursor(int *array) │
set up a 16x16 array as cursor
▒ ▒
▒ Palette Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ int mtSetCol(byte colindex,byte red,byte green, │
│ byte blue │
set the RGB color at color index.
│ int mtGetCol(byte colindex,byte red,byte green, │
│ byte blue │
get the RGB color at color index.
│ int mtLoadPal(char *filename,byte palette[]) │
load a table of palette from the harddisk
│ int mtSavePal(char *filename,byte palette[]) │
saves a table of palette
│ void mtClearPal(byte palette[]) │
clear a palette table
│ int mtSetPal(byte pal[],byte start,byte end) │
set the palette ranging from start index to the end index.
│ int mtBlackOut(void) │
set the palette to black color.
│ int mtWhiten(void) │
set the palette to 255 color.
│ int mtGetAllPal(byte pal[]) │
to extract the palette from the registers
│ void mtFadeOut(int interval) │
to reduce the video palette to all zero at a certain
│ void mtFadeIn(byte palette[],byte inc,int interval) │
to increase the video palette from zero to the desired
▒ ▒
▒ Sound Routines (extremely primitive) ▒
▒ ▒
▒ (Not particular sure if it work.. didn't test ▒
▒ ▒
│ void mtSound(int hertz, int duration) │
to make a sound
│ void mtClick(void) │
to make a clicking sound
▒ ▒
▒ Keyboard Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ void mtKeyInst(void) │
to install the keyboard handler
│ void mtKeyUninst(void) │
to remove the keyboard handler
▒ ▒
▒ Miscellaneous Routines ▒
▒ ▒
│ void mtWaitRetrace(void) │
wait for vertical retrace
▒ ▒
▒ References ▒
▒ ▒
│ Assembly Language │ │
1. Auerbach, J. "IBM PC Assembly Language Tutorial", Article,
2. "Draeden", "Introduction to Assembler", Game Programming
Encyclopedia, 1993/94.
3. Murray III, W.H. and Pappas, C.H. "80386/80286 Assembly
Language Programming", Intl Edn, McGraw-Hill Inc, 1986.
4. Swan,T. "Mastering Turbo Assembler", Hayden Books, 1989.
│ Graphics │ │
1. Foley, J.D., Van Dam, A., Feiner, S.K., Hughes, J.F.
"Computer Graphics : Principles and Practice", 2nd Edn,
Addison-Wesley, 1991.
2. Ferraro, R.F. "Programmer's Guide to the EGA and VGA
cards", 2nd Edn, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
3. Morley, M. "VGL20", Mode13h library
4. Smith, G. "VGA Trainers", Tutorials 1 - 11.
5. Sutty, G. and Blair, S. "Advanced Programmer's Guide to the
EGA/VGA", Brady Books, 1988.
6. Wilton, R. "Programmer Guide to PC & PS/2 Video Systems",
Microsoft Press, 1987.
│ Others │ │
1. Game Developers' Magazine by Phil Inch.
2. Game Programming Encyclopedia (PC-GPE) compiled by Mark
3. Kientzle, T. Algorithm Alley, "Dr.Dobb's Journal", pg 119-
120, Vol. 19, Issue 7, Jul 1994.